Wednesday, September 8, 2010

About me

Hi.  My name is Kayvon Tavakoli.  I'm from Houston, Texas.  This is my sophomore year at Trinity, and I am excited to begin a new semester here.  As of now I am not sure what my major is, but I do know that I will minor in Spanish and go through the Pre-Med program.  My goal in life is to become a doctor and help those who do not have healthcare, possibly opening up a free clinic in an impoverished country.  An interesting fact about me is that my parents are first-generation immigrants from Iran.  A a result I am quite influenced by the Persian culture (I also know how to speak, read and write in Farsi).  My extracurricular activities at Trinity include being a member of Phi Sigma Chi, and I am looking forward to join other clubs.  I took a computer class in high school, so I am familiar with some applications.  Up until college I have used a PC, but I currently use a Mac for college.  My email is  Please email me if you have any questions.

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